Snowie gets time for some refreshments!!

Sean suddenly realises he got a taxi from Carlow and has no money to get one back! 

Enda Kane was wearing some St. Laurences football socks which slowed him down(of course) for to finish 3rd for Moone Celtic!

 Roger Holmes finishes 6th overall for Moone Celtic as he looks worse for wear!

As Snowie reaches for a bag of chips Ritchie and John head for the big smoke! 

 Emmett Daly comes in second as the camera man from the Sunday World finds a road cone to take a picture of??

Johnny Browne gets ready to meet and greet one of his many groupies! 

Aaron McMahon is helped over the line by a girl! not just any girl though - 2009 Rose of Tralee - Charmaine Kenny from Athy(fair play tya Aaron)

Sean Kane makes it 1st across the line for Moone Celtic after a gruelling run. 

Emmett realises the man behind him actually won the race and is heading for the Wicklow Gap to warm down!!

Anto Hegarty flashes a smile for the camera (just before he vomits!) as Keelan realises he's going to have to listen to Anto complain about finishing behind him! 

Left to right - Paul Dowling, Ritchie Browne & John Whelan all finish together as an oxygen tent was close by for Ritchie after the race.

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